Real-Time Online Qualitative Research

An introduction into the expanded options of online qualitative.
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Welcome to ESOMAR Academy On-Demand 

This exclusive on-demand training offers you access to six-hours of content, split into three engaging sessions. Designed to enhance your skills at your own pace and convenience, you'll be able to download resources, see the trainer's contact information and earn a certificate upon course completion.


2020 proved to us that online qualitative research works well in real-time and for many more briefs than we had thought possible. Results are robust, geographically dispersed and sensitive. But it is different from traditional face-to-face and requires a modified approach.

This training module aims to show you what it’s all about.

We talk about new requirements - from commissioning through to final analysis. We will cover: the set-up needed, recruitment, group size and duration, discussion guide software, client involvement, module sequencing, moderation techniques and more.

We will include case studies and break-out sessions - plus practical suggestions of do’s and don’ts to get the most out of participants online.

What will you learn?

You will learn how to lead or commission different types of online qualitative projects – with a focus on real-time digital insights.

This will include online focus groups, digital depths and pairs, digital ethnographies and co-creation exercises. We will cover some useful software tools – including digital whiteboards.

After completing the training, you should be able to conduct or commission and use online qualitative research in real-time – so that you can profit smoothly from the benefits including enhanced flexibility, agility and cross-geographical scope.

Who should attend?

i) Insight managers commissioning research of all levels – or those in marketing and R&D who influence the decision on research projects.

ii) Practitioners who are conducting qualitative research.

Suggested level of expertise?

This course is suited for clients who commission and use qualitative research, and practitioners conducting it. Attendees are probably used to face-to-face approaches and want to understand better how new developments in online qual can benefit them in their daily work.

Programme at a glance

Day 1 – the Basics of real-time digital qual insights, focussing on focus groups and in-depth interviews

Day 2 – Digital ethnographies – how to organise for in-home insights at a distance.

Day 3 – Workshops and co-creation sessions. Making the most of digital interactive sessions with stakeholders and end-users.


Sven Arn
ESOMAR Individual Member, Managing Director & Partner at Human8