The Evolution of Insights

The Continued Evolution of the Data, Analytics and Insights Industry report offers you a foresight on the future of the insights industry with global trends for up to three years ahead.

Evolution of the Data, Analytics and Insights Industry, a forecast into 2026

Size, trends and forecasts of the industry, its main players, with commentary from the industry's leaders

This unique report sizes the global and regional insights industry with forecasts into 2026. It also provides a glimpse into the fundamental shifts that are occurring as data more broadly infiltrates organisations and research software tools and solutions expand their contributions to overall industry performance.

If you need a compass to make decisions on the future of your enterprise, you should purchase this report. The Evolution of the Data, Analytics and Insights Industry has been providing guidance to decision-makers for 5 years now, and has quickly become an essential tool to plan the strategic path of companies.

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11 July

A look at the forces that will shape the Insights Industry in the next three years

Anticipate the future of insights

The report tracks the fundamental shifts occurring as data more broadly infiltrates organisations and technology tools and solutions expand their contributions to overall industry performance.

Thought leadership from our contributors

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The Continued Evolution of the Data, Analytics and Insights Industry report is published every year and is available in digital version. Members can download the report at a reduced price as part of their membership package.

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