Reports and Publications

Offering you overviews and analysis that you can reference for business investment plans, growth opportunities, research projects, market studies and more.

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Global Market Research
An outline of the health and future trends of the global insights and analytics market.
Global Research Software
The global analysis on the size and characteristics of the research software sector.
Global Users & Buyers of Insights
Who are the users and buyers of insights? What expertise do they have in-house? And, what are they looking for in their suppliers of insights?

State of the Analytics & Insights Sector

Insights and analytics are evolving and innovating all of the time, so how do you keep up with state of the art? These industry papers written by your community experts delve deeper into the trends and issues facing you and your organisation to get the most out of your projects and teams.

Evolution of the Insights & Analytics Industry
Your companion to go deeper into the size, trends, and forecasts of the industry.
Global Prices Study
This study provides an overview of the price of research worldwide and examines differences between countries, types of research projects, and methodology over time.
Country Market Research Reports
Examine the size and performance of the market research industry for a specific country.
Insights Market Development Index
The index looks at several aspects of the insights industry that result in a unique score for each country, area and territory.
ESOMAR Global Top Insights Companies
This report presents some of the most notable companies within the insights industry.

Basic Insights Series

ESOMAR has teamed up with industry experts to produce a collection of easy-to-navigate, understandable guides for young researchers or professionals looking to transition into the industry or those who are looking for a quick refresher on a topic.

Questionnaire Design
Craft the Perfect Questionnaire with Sandy Casey

Other Resources

Insights in Times of COVID-19
Better understand the extent of the impact the pandemic is having on the industry.
Demonstrate the Value of Investing in Customer Insight
Collating literature and in-depth interviews with business leaders from world-leading brands
Who Owns the Data?
A study conducted in partnership with Kadence International
Demonstrating the Advantage of Artificial Intelligence
How AI can deliver actionable insights in real time, uncover hidden truths and increase efficiency
(Wo)Man Vs Machine; From Competition to Collaboration
Choosing your battles between knowing when to think and when to automate
Catching the Exception
How Alpro used in-depth qualitative social media analysis to uncover unexpected usages of plant-based Alpro products.
Data integration tools with data analytics, visualization and dashboarding
Join insights and analytics expert Sjoerd Koornstra as he reviews insights and analytics software solutions
Insights Engines software
Join insights and analytics expert Sjoerd Koornstra as he reviews insights engine solutions on the market


Publications helping you with some of the basics of insights and analytics, market research and social research, and opinion polling.

A Guide to Certifying to ISO 20252
Helping you to reach globally accepted standards for insights and analytics
Handbook on Mobile Market Research
Get more from the companion to the Handbook on Online & Social Media Research
Handbook on Online and Social Media Market Research
Your single authoritative resource for best practice for internet and social media driven insights.
Market Research Explained
Helping you understand the world of insights and analytics
Market Research Handbook
Essential techniques and methods explained for your practical needs