Global Users & Buyers of Insights

Who are the users and buyers of insights? What expertise do they have in-house? And, what are they looking for in their suppliers of insights?

What can I find inside?

ESOMAR carries out a global survey with the help of its network of partners. This study, aimed at users and buyers of insights, sheds light on the size and composition of these clients’ insights teams, the availability of resources and prospects for the upcoming 12 months, and their relationship with their market research and insights suppliers.

This report comes with a personal link to an online dashboard hosted by Infotools, where you can find and interact with all the data in this study.

This report gives you the opportunity to:

  • Peek on the activities carried out by users and buyers of insights, whether they are your clients or your fellow competitors

  • Forecast demand depending on the declarations made by the respondents to this study

  • Gain insight into how to better cater to your clients and understand what their demands are

  • Learn about their teams’ skills, resources and capabilities, as well as their limitations and challenges

Users & Buyers Global Insights Study 2021
The views of more than 800 users and buyers of insights and research
Users & Buyers Global Insights Study 2020
The views of 640 users and buyers of insights and research