
Discover the latest community updates, ESOMAR news, and other important notices that you need to know about your community.

Filtered by: Data collection and processing Clear
We want your feedback
Scott Worthge 22 December 2021

Your surveys, your data, your clients are being affected in ways that we’ve just begun to uncover.

Restech what is it and why is it booming
Jamin Brazil 3 December 2021

What is “research technology” and Why Is It booming? Answers to the questions in the webinar

Ethics and Standards
Crispin Beale 26 October 2021

Learn about the impact of ethics on marketing, insights and market research

Participants taking selfies
Frank Buckler 21 October 2021

How to turn the art of qual into a science of impact?

Dynata visual
Bob Fawson 7 October 2021

Estimates on the frequency of fraud in insights and analytics vary, from the low teens to as high as 30-40 percent.

Congress attendees speaking to each other
Judith Passingham 13 September 2021

Published by ESOMAR and GRBN, the new guidelines clarify your key responsibilities when collecting and using personal data worldwide for insights and analytics projects.