We welcome members, friends and partners without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, gender, sexual orientation, language, religion, political or other opinions, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.
ESOMAR is an equal opportunity employer which welcomes and actively supports inclusion and diversity, and promotes cultural, ethnic, gender and orientation representation whenever possible.
Irrespective of its motivation, ESOMAR decries and criticises all forms of injustice and prejudice. There may be occasions when one such issue is more prevalent in media than the others, but this does not detract from our desire to see all forms of injustice and prejudice stamped out.
Committed to creating a safe and respectful environment whenever ESOMAR invites members, friends, partners or delegates to an occasion which it is hosting; the ESOMAR team's overriding priority is to make such occasions welcoming and to place everyone's well-being above all else.
If you witness or experience anything that makes you feel uncomfortable when participating in our events or activities, please reach out to ESOMAR team members on-site or get in touch.
As part of the Council’s efforts to promote the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I), ESOMAR is happy to announce a DE&I project aimed at indexing existing materials developed within different geographies into one single page.