Guideline on Duty of Care

Research participants provide their data to support insights projects, it's the duty of insights professionals to ensure that data is safely and responsibly collected, analysed, and stored.

Meet your ethical obligations

When working with insights or analytics, you may most likely rely on personal data. Doing so comes with an ethical duty to use this data responsibly and safely. In an increasingly digitised world, data is one of the most valuable ingredients to a successful project, and equally critical is the responsibility to protect the people behind the data.

This guideline advises you on protecting the privacy and well to be of data subjects and can also be used by those commissioning insights and analytics projects to understand their ethical responsibilities better.

Meet the Project Team

This guide was produced by a dedicated team of international experts in ethics and compliance, ensuring the guidance is informed by global best practices and real-world experiences. Meet your project team:

Judith Passingham
ESOMAR Committee Member, Chair of the Professional Standards Committee at ESOMAR
Reg Baker
Past ESOMAR Ambassador for North America at ESOMAR
Debrah Harding
Managing Director at Market Research Society
Andrew Cannon

Don't wait!

Make sure you're meeting your duty of care and building trust and confidence in your activities. Grab your copy and build a project with a solid base: